S Group's terms of use for digital services act as general terms of use for digital content, services, and features provided by S Group that refer to or utilise the services covered by these terms (hereinafter "the Service").
Services may include but are not limited to the management of customer information, various mobile applications and other services referring to these terms.
As a rule, S Group's digital services use the S User Account. You can also use the S User Account to manage and check the consent and permissions given to S Group, as well as other privacy settings.
It is possible to store payment details of the payment cards specified in the S User Account, and they are then available for the customer in all services that use the S User Account.
Via the S User Account, S Group's co-op member or a member of their household can use the features and services offered to S Group's co-op members.
All personal data in the S User Account is processed in accordance with the privacy protection information of S Group's co-op member and customer register and the data protection legislation. Technical functionalities of the S User Account require the use of cookies or similar technologies in order to identify the user.
Customer: S Group's customer whose information is maintained in the S Group's co-op member and customer register. The customer can also be a co-op member.
Co-op member: A co-op member of S Group or a member of their household.
SOK: SOK (Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta) is responsible for the S User Account.
S User Account: An S User Account is an account that is created for each logged-in customer.
S Group: S Group is formed by Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta (SOK) and cooperatives with their subsidiaries and associated companies (excluding S-Bank Ltd in this agreement).
The service provider's contact information:
Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta (SOK) Postal address: P.O. Box 1, FI-00088 S GROUP, Finland Street address: Fleminginkatu 34, FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland
Inquiries about S User Accounts: S Group's co-op member service +358 10 76 5858, Mon–Fri 9 am – 4 pm (€0.084/min).
Authentication for an S User Account is possible in many ways. A requirement for using the S User Account is authentication of electronic contact details. Authentication for an S User Account is possible through authentication methods selected by the service provider, such as email or phone number. More authentication methods may be added as the S User Account service is developed. The authentication methods used for logging in to the S User Account are personal, and they must not be handed over to another person.
After authentication, the customer may proceed to use S Group's online services (Single-Sign-On) without having to log in to each one separately if enabled by the Service. If the credentials to the S User Account are lost, the customer can renew a forgotten user ID in the service or by contacting S Group's customer service.
The customer can save payment card details in the S User Account or the Service. If the customer adds payment card details to the S User Account, the customer is responsible for purchases made with the saved payment details in the various online services that use the S User Account. If the customer suspects that their credentials to the S User Account have become known to a third party or are subject to misconduct, the customer is responsible for deactivating all the payment cards saved in the S User Account.
All payment card details are transferred to the paying agent's payment system, and SOK does not save card details in its own registers. Only a technical key for the payment card is saved in S Group's co-op member and customer register.
These terms and conditions apply to the digital content available to customers. Some of the features are only available to co-op members. The features may define the content of digital services in more detail.
Electric receipts and visualization of purchasing behavior
We can offer co-op members electronic receipts and the My Purchases feature in S Group’s online services and the S-mobiili app.
The data of the electronic receipt service is only used for issuing and displaying the receipt. The data is not used for any other purposes.
The digital contents and features use the information in S Group's co-op member and customer register. Read more about the data protection of S Group's co-op member and customer register at:
Mobile S-Etukortti cards
S-mobiili enables use of the S-Etukortti card with smart devices. When using the S-Etukortti card with a smart device, there may be some restrictions concerning certain services. (For example, using the card is not necessarily possible at all outlets or certain special discounts may not be available with the card.)
It may be possible to activate the S-Etukortti card with certain operating systems. In this case, the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the operatingsystem (such as those of Apple or Google) will apply.
The customer is responsible for all actions performed in various services after authentication. If the customer uses the S User Account on common devices or on devices that can be accessed by other users, the customer must always log out from the S User Account after the session, clear the browser cache and ensure that no login details are saved in the device's memory.
If the customer suspects that their personal authentication credentials have become known to a third party, the customer must immediately change the credentials to the S User Account or contact the service provider's customer service in order to deactivate the S User Account. If payment card details have been linked to the S User Account, the customer has the obligation to immediately notify the payment card cancellation service.
The customer might have a right to produce information independently for S Group's various services. The functionalities of the services determine in more detailed instructions what information can be produced for various services and how. The customer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information transferred. The information produced for the services becomes a part of the register determined in the service.
The customer is responsible for the functionality of their terminal device, software, and data transfer connections, as well as their costs and up-to-date information security.
Information needed for the service
The customer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information given for the S User Account SOK Corporation is under no obligation to verify any of the information provided by the customer. Neither will SOK Corporation be liable for any material damage or disruption caused to the customer or to any third party due to any incomplete or incorrect information provided by the customer.
The customer is responsible for ensuring that the S User Account is used legitimately and without infringing other people's rights. SOK has the right, at its discretion, to delete content that is illegal, offensive, or not in line with these Terms of Use. In cases of misuse, SOK Corporation has the right to deactivate the S User Account or to limit its use.
Use of and information on the S User Account
In principle, the service is always available Service interruptions may take place due to servicing, updates, maintenance, disruptions, or other similar reasons.
Liability for compensation
SOK Corporation will not be liable for any material damage, whether direct or indirect, that might be caused by any disturbance to or error in the S User Account. SOK Corporation will not be liable for any material damage caused by unreasonable difficulties in S Group's operations due to force majeure situations or for similar reasons.
SOK Corporation will not be liable for operation, content, services, or products of online services that use the S User Account, nor will it be liable for any damage caused to the customer or a third party, unless SOK Corporation is the service provider.
Ownership, copyright, and trademark
The intellectual property rights to the service belong to SOK Corporation. The customer has a parallel right to use, save, and transfer all personal data within the service and any materials compiled based on such personal data.
Changes to the terms of use
SOK Corporation continuously develops its services, and changes may therefore be made to the form, use or content of the S User Account. SOK Corporation may modify or update these terms of use for the purposes of service development, or for some other reason. SOK Corporation will inform users as it sees fit about the changes made to the Terms of Use.
The right of SOK Corporation to update or discontinue service
SOK may update or discontinue the S User Account at any time. SOK Corporation has the right to suspend the use of the S User Account, either for all customers or for a particular customer if a customer fails to comply with the Terms of Use, or when SOK has reasonable grounds to suspect that the S User Account or information associated with it are being used in connection with some illegal purpose, or in a manner that may cause harm or a risk of harm to S Group, or to some third party.
Settlement of disputes
These terms of use are governed by Finnish law, regardless of the country from which the S User Account is used and the technical equipment on which it is used.
All disagreements over these Terms of Use will primarily be solved through negotiation between the parties. Should such negotiations be unsuccessful, the dispute will be taken to Helsinki District Court. However, a consumer customer has the right to sue SOK Corporation in the general court of first instance in the Customer's own domicile.
However, a consumer always has the right to refer the matter to the consumer disputes board ( at Hämeentie 3, PL 306, 00531 Helsinki, tel. +358 29 566 5200 and
Before submitting the matter for settlement by the consumer disputes board, we recommend that you contact the Consumer Advisory Services
(, telephone +358 29 505 3050. The European Commission also provides an Online Dispute Resolution platform, which is especially intended for consumers living in another EU country
Before submitting the matter for settlement by the consumer disputes board, we recommend that you contact the Consumer Advisory Services
(, telephone +358 29 505 3050. The European Commission also provides an Online Dispute Resolution platform, which is especially intended for consumers living in another EU country